Terms and conditions for use of website

Lučební závody Draslovka a.s. Kolín, having its registered office at: Havlíčkova 605, Kolín IV, 280 02 Kolín, Czech republic, company ID number: 46357351, entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file ref. B 2686 (hereinafter the “Operator”), issues these Terms and Conditions for Use of www.cyanides.org  Website (hereinafter the “Terms and Conditions”). These Terms and Conditions are binding on everybody that uses the website.
Every visitor to the website is obligated to familiarise him/herself with these Terms and Conditions for Use of Website upon his/her first visit to the website.


  1. The website is designated solely for personal needs. Any use of the website or any part thereof or its content other than for personal needs, in particular further use in the form of dissemination, copying, further processing, alteration or making additional duplicates is prohibited. There is a prohibition against any interference with the technical or material character of the website. Use except for personal need is illegitimate interference with the Operator’s rights and also can be illegitimate interference with the rights of entities whose data, work and other intangible property is part of the website’s content.
  2. The content of this website is prepared with maximum care and an attempt to ensure it is precise and up-to-date. Despite this, it is not possible to guarantee the completeness and correctness of the content presented. Therefore, a visitor enters the website or accesses its content at his/her own risk.
  3. In particular, it should be emphasised that the opinions, information and solutions presented here cannot be regarded as a comprehensive underlying document for the solution of individual cases, as the solution of each individual case or problem requires the taking into consideration of all related circumstances and specifics.
  4. The use of a procedure presented or a procedure in accordance with an opinion or information presented here, without full consultation with an expert who would take into consideration all the specifics and circumstances of the case and propose a corresponding solution could lead to the arising of detriment. The originator of information or creator or administrator of the website cannot be responsible for such detriment in any way.
  5. The reservations presented in para. 3 and 4 apply, due to the nature of the matter, also to any information, procedures or opinions that are presented at a website to which the text contained in this website refers.
  6. All rights concerning the content and appearance of this website are reserved for Lučební závody Draslovka a.s. Kolín. The full or partial reproduction, distribution, transmission (electronic or other) or use of this website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without the aforementioned company’s prior written consent.
  7. Personal data are published at the website in accordance with legal regulations on the protection of personal data. The legal basis for the use of such personal data is limited to this website. Any copying and further dissemination other than for personal need is interference with the rights of the relevant persons and an offence in accordance with legal regulations on personal data protection. The above concerning copying and further use does not apply if it concerns contact data where it is evident that they are stated with the aim of offering the visitor the option of getting in touch with the relevant person.


  1. The Operator ensures a high standard of protection of personal data when providing services.
  2. Information about the processing of personal data, including information about the rights of a person whose personal data are being processed, that is related to the provision of services via the website, is available HERE.


  1. For the correct functioning of the website it is necessary to sometimes place small data files, called cookies, on your device. Cookies are used as standard by almost all web portals offering deliveries or services. Cookies are small text files that websites store on your computer or mobile device at the moment you start to use the websites.
  2. The operator informs you that this website uses cookies.
  3. Some cookies can remember for a certain period your preferences and actions that you performed (e.g. login details, language, font size and other display preferences), so you do not have to input such data again and jump from one page to another.
  4. A cookie itself comprises a chain of letters and numbers, it does not collect and contain any information and it is not a virus, it is not set up to make its own copies or disseminate into other networks. Cookies usually contain the name of the website, the time on the terminal device and a breakdown of the data stored. We use the following cookies:

Functional (important for basic website functionality)

Functional cookies are used to provide services or remember settings in order to ensure maximum comfort during your visit. The use of these cookies depends on your browser settings. Disabling functional cookies can lead to the loss of some functionality of the website.



who has access to the information



by closing the browser

This is a cookie from our site

maintaining the user's session on the website

Analytical (improve the quality of our site)



who has access to the information




2 years

Google Analytics

these are third party cookies

Used for traffic analysis. You can read about the conditions of using Google Analytics here


1 year

This is a cookie from our site

information on consent to cookies


1 year

This is a cookie from our site

saving consent to cookies




these are third party cookies

overview of all cookies here https://help.hotjar.com/hc/en-us/articles/115011789248-Hotjar-Cookie-Information

To learn more about cookies and their wider use, please use the link below: http://www.aboutcookies.org/

If you want to learn more about cookies and their wider use, use the link below: http://www.aboutcookies.org/ (EN)
If you actively click on the button “I agree to the use of cookies”, until rescinding you grant your consent to the use of non-mandatory cookies and the use of data obtained through the website/cookies for the aforementioned purposes.

Consent can be rescinded at any time without any penalty. Rescinding can be performed electronically using your web browser or mobile device (by blocking cookies).
When blocking cookies (in your computer’s or mobile device’s browser), we recommend proceeding with caution, blocking strictly necessary cookies could limit or prevent access to the website or the functionality of the website or part thereof.
If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, please leave the website and do not use it any more.

Prague, 22 April 2021
Lučební závody Draslovka a.s. Kolín

Tato webová stránka používá cookies

Všechny můžete níže povolit kliknutím na tlačítko „Souhlasím se všemi“, odmítnout je nebo nastavit „Podrobná nastavení“. Svůj výběr můžete také kdykoli později změnit. Další informace o zpracování naleznete v našich zásadách ochrany soukromí.

Funkční cookies Tyto cookies jsou nezbytné pro správné fungování webové stránky a proto je není možné vypnout.
Analytické cookies Analytické cookies nám pomáhají sledovat a analyzovat způsob v systému Google Analytics 4, jakým návštěvníci interagují s naší stránkou. Tyto informace nám umožňují vylepšovat obsah a poskytovat lepší uživatelský zážitek.
Marketingové cookies Čtení a zapisování cookies pro marketingové účely pro reklamní systémy jako je např. Google Ads či Sklik. Tyto cookies nám umožňují sledovat chování uživatelů a měřit výkon webu a efektivitu našich reklamních kampaní.
Personalizovaná reklama Remarketingové cookies nám umožňují prezentovat vám personalizovanou reklamu na základě vašich předchozích interakcí s naší stránkou v systémech jako je Google Ads, Sklik.